Navigeer Vrijelijk met NAVEE

Navigeer Vrijelijk met NAVEE

NAVEE streeft ernaar stedelijke avonturiers te versterken om hun unieke wegen te creëren, de energie van de stad te omarmen en milieuduurzaamheid te ondersteunen met onze innovatieve producten.

NAVEE Inspireren


Gebruikers Wereldwijd

240.000.000 KM

Afgelegd door Wereldwijde Gebruikers

1.032.000 KG

Totale CO₂-uitstoot Bespaard

46.909 Bomen

Equivalent Geplant

Onze geschiedenis

April 2021

NAVEE brand was born.

August 2021

NAVEE Officially launched N65.

March 2022

NAVEE successfully entered the European and Asia-Pacific markets.

May 2022

NAVEE Officially launched S65.

July 2022

NAVEE proudly showcased its first E-bike Z1 at Eurobike.

August 2022

NAVEE Lab was officially designated as a TÜV Witness Laboratory, underscoring its commitment to quality and safety standards.

September 2022

NAVEE was prominently showcased at IFA, demonstrating its latest innovations in mobility.

January 2023

NAVEE was showcased at CES in Las Vegas.

March 2023

NAVEE officially launched the V Series.

April 2023

The NAVEE S65 was honored with the Red Dot Design Award.

May 2023

NAVEE officially launched the S65C.

September 2023

NAVEE was showcased at IFA in Berlin.

October 2023

NAVEE established its own in-house manufacturing facility.

January 2024

NAVEE was showcased at CES in Las Vegas.

January 2024

NAVEE officially launched the S40 & S60.

April 2024

NAVEE S40 & S60 were honored with the Red Dot and iF Design Awards.

June 2024

NAVEE was showcased at MME in Amsterdam.

September 2024

NAVEE was showcased at IFA in Berlin, where it unveiled the ST and GT series, which are expected to be released in 2025.

Navee en un coup d'oeil

À l'honneur

Embarquant une grande batterie et misant sur des roues larges, la Navee N65i se veut être le SUV des trottinettes électriques, et ce malgré l’absence de suspension. Frandroid a pu la découvrir à Paris.

Le Navee S60 répond aux attentes en termes de puissance et de confort pour des trajets urbains ou des excursions plus longues. Avec un prix de lancement assez agressif, Navee continue de proposer des solutions intéressantes dans le domaine de la mobilité urbaine.

En définitive, la Navee S60 s’impose comme une option intéressante pour ceux qui recherchent une trottinette électrique performante et au look unique. Elle ne révolutionne pas le genre, mais apporte une touche d’originalité bienvenue dans le marché.

Positionné à 699 euros, son prix est, comme elle, assez agressif. Souple, agile, sécurisée et sécurisante, avec un vrai sens de la chaussée parisienne, cette machine a de quoi monter sur le podium des déplacements à privilégier durant les JO.

Compte tenu de sa conception et de son design, vous comprendrez rapidement que la S60 n’est pas une trottinette électrique qui s’adresse aux utilisateurs dont la priorité sera d’acheter un compagnon de route facile à plier ou léger à porter pour gravir quelques marches, par exemple, dans une utilisation multimodale.

Alla prova su strada, NAVEE S60 si comporta bene su qualsiasi tipo di tracciato. Va alla grande sull'asfalto, se la cava su terra battuta e pavè, riesce a superare senza troppo sforzo brevi tratti di ghiaia o altri terreni sconnessi.

Uno dei punti di forza del Navee S40 è senza dubbio il sistema di sospensioni, che garantisce un comfort di guida superiore rispetto alla concorrenza. Il monopattino monta infatti il doppio sistema ShockMaster, con una forcella anteriore e un ammortizzatore posteriore a molla, in grado di assorbire efficacemente le asperità della strada: abbiamo guidato in tratti dove radici e buche rovinano l’asfalto e dobbiamo dire che il monopattino ha retto molto bene.

I due nuovi prodotti risultano ideali sia per l’uso in città sia per un po’ di fuoristrada grazie alla tecnologia innovativa delle sospensioni anteriori e posteriori e ai motori progettati appositamente che garantiscono una rapida accelerazione affiancata alla capacità di far fronte a salite difficoltose.

Grazie alla rigidità generale, Navee 40 si guida molto bene e affronta senza problemi anche piccoli gradini, buche o disconnessioni del manto stradale.

COMODOSO La caratteristica più interessante del Navee S65C è il sistema a doppie sospensioni, anteriori e posteriori, che dovrebbero renderlo particolarmente comodo sulle strade tutt’altro che liscie delle nostre città. Al comfort di marcia contribuiscono anche la pedana particolarmente larga, con un comodo rivestimento in gomma, e le due ruote da 10” tubeless. Al loro interno si trova anche un liquido che - in caso di microforature - si occupa di “tappare” i buchi senza perdita di aria.

Onze waarden

Leid de Weg

NAVEE streeft ernaar de norm te zijn in slimme mobiliteit, en begeleidt rijders op elke reis terwijl het werkt aan een meer verbonden en efficiënte toekomst voor transport.

Intelligente Oplossingen

Met slimme technologie als kern biedt NAVEE app-gebaseerde snelheidscontrole en realtime monitoring. Onze intelligente systemen verbeteren je reis, waardoor elke rit soepeler, veiliger en responsiever wordt.

Een Toewijding aan Groen

Onze elektrische voertuigen verminderen uitstoot en bevorderen duurzaam transport. NAVEE zet zich in voor milieuvriendelijke technologie, zodat je jouw ecologische voetafdruk kunt verkleinen voor een groenere toekomst.


NAVEE to Hold New Product Launch at IFA 2024

Scheduled to take place in Berlin from September 6th to 10th, NAVEE will kick off its showcase with a product launch event at 14:30 on September 6th. Themed around Cyberpunk, Futurism and Technology, this event promises to highlight NAVEE's latest innovations and transportation solutions, setting the stage for a new era in urban mobility.

NAVEE to Participate in Eurobike 2024 with New E-Mobility Solutions

NAVEE participated in Eurobike 2024, held from July 3 to 7 in Germany. The event showcased NAVEE’s commitment to enhancing urban mobility through its innovative shared e-mobility solutions, emphasizing practicality and sustainability in transportation.

NAVEE to Unveil NAVEE Captain AI Module at MicroMobility Europe 2024

NAVEE is proud to announce the debut of the NAVEE Captain AI module at MicroMobility Europe 2024 (MME) in Amsterdam, the world's largest conference for small vehicles, set to take place between June 5 and 6.

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